Read the Forbes Article: The article by Olivia Pinnock, focuses on fashion brands that are breaking the stigma on neurodivergence. Click to read.

Read The Guardian Article: Helen Seamons, made our Denim Jacket the "Clear Winner", due to water saving tech, in Sundays Style Notebook! Click to read

For me to be able to share my journey and this type of coverage, I feel like a I am finally in a place where I have wanted to get to for so long, both personally for my confidence and professionally my for my career.

I’m not just talking about the past 11 months of building NO ONE TRUE ANYTHING, but for the past 28 years.

I always wanted to achieve something that is built and sculpted around creativity, sustainability, community and personal journey, but I didn’t know to get there.

My first pay check was spent on Supreme when I was 16, earning £400 a month, fashion and brands represent a big part of my personal charcacter.

So when I had a dream about creating my own fashion brand, I knew I had to go with my imagination and try to achieve something that I am so passionate about.

There is never boring day, (sometimes a stressful day) when building something from the ground up and I can’t wait to see where it goes to next.

I am also extremely greatful everyone who has engaged with content, supported the brand, been there me for me when I feel like giving up, taken time out of their day to talk to and advise me, thank you.

